
In the Fall of 2016 the GaelPantry was opened after a growing number of students voiced their concerns for other students struggling to make ends meet economically, and thus were forgoing meals. This food pantry is just one of over 800 on-campus food pantries meeting the unfortunate reality for many college students: food insecurity. Food insecurity can hit anyone at any time throughout any phase of life.
The GaelPantry is a tangible way that SMC, through the Mission & Ministry Center, is providing better systems of food security on campus. For additional resources, please see SMC's Nutritional Support page.
GaelPantry Hours and Location:
The GaelPantry is located behind the Soda Center and is available to all undergraduate and graduate SMC students who live on or off campus. Every student has 10 points a week available to use, all we need from you is your student ID #
If your need exceeds 10 points and you need additional food support, please email Carrie Davis, at
GaelPantry Hours - Spring 2025:
- Please email or DM us on Instagram @gaelpantry if you have any questions!

Solidarity Suppers:
The GaelPantry Team and other campus collaborators host three FREE DINNERS a semester available for all Saint Mary's students.
Solidarity Suppers will take place on three Wednesdays in the Spring semester from 5 pm - 6 pm in the MMC Courtyard (between Oliver Hall & the Chapel). This semester, Solidarity Suppers will be on February 26, March 26, and April 30.

If I am interested in volunteering at the GaelPantry...
Please contact or send us a message on Instagram @gaelpantry
If I want to make a financial donation to the GaelPantry...
Monetary donations can be made online by clicking on the Gael Pantry Fund button on the top right side of this page.
We always accept checks made out to Saint Mary's College with GaelPantry written in the memo section. These checks can be mailed to:
Mission and Ministry Center, Saint Mary's College of CA, 1928 St. Mary's Road, PMB 4777, Moraga, CA 94575
Why did SMC start an on-campus food pantry?
Food insecurity is a growing concern among college students across the nation; reports show that between 20% and 60% of college students on a college or university campus experience food insecurity. Food insecurity is defined as “the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.” Although Saint Mary’s may be located in an affluent area, its students are by no means exempt from the challenges of food insecurity. In light of the growing cost of higher education, food is often the first thing to be cut from a college student’s budget.
After students on the SMC campus made a point to reveal the level of need that occurs on this campus, it became clear that action needed to be taken in order to support and care for our students. Since our Lasallian Mission has concern for the poor and social justice as a core principle, the installment of a physical support to students aligns with the larger mission of SMC.
What is the history of the GaelPantry?
In March of 2014, SMC students took it upon themselves to reveal struggles they were experiencing in an event called Economic Realities. When students took the opportunity to voice their concerns to staff and administration, for themselves and for fellow students, it became evident that students needed tangible resources--particularly nutritional assistance. Plans to install an on-campus food pantry began to take effect in May 2014-2015 but got steam when MMC partnered with the Christian Brothers and invested students in January 2016. The GaelPantry Committee was formed by the Mission and Ministry Center, student leaders, and Christian Brothers in March. The GaelPantry Committee produced a GaelPantry Proposal that was shared with the Cabinet. In May 2016, a student group called “End the Silence” requested an on-campus food pantry in their list of demands as a tangible support for students, again demonstrating the urgency for this resource. The President and Cabinet accepted the proposal with the understanding that the Mission and Ministry Center (MMC) will coordinate its operation (reporting to the VP for Mission) for a one year pilot program. The CFO recommended that the Director of MMC work with Good Eats to secure support and an appropriate space. The pantry officially opened on October 12, 2016 and has stayed open ever since.
During 2020-2021 we wanted to ignite our community with something fun, interactive and creative to look forward to each week: #FoodPantryFriday. Click here for videos and/or recipes from members of our SMC community. Their creations include ingredients available to you at the GaelPantry and up to 2 additional ingredients from your own pantry.
Additional Resources are on SMC's Nutritional Support page